November 13, 2012

30 Days Grateful: Day 13 - Back in the Workforce!

As I lay my head to rest and my soul to sleep, I ponder upon what I am grateful for today.  Gosh, there are so many things to be grateful for that there aren't enough days in the month to express them all.  Today I am specifically excited about tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the big day.  The first day at my new job since the [unexpected] move from the Midwest back home to Miami.   I am confident all will go well.  I will make sure to keep you guys posted on my employment progress.

This past Saturday, I took my car in for a very long overdue oil change.  Early this morning I took it to Wal-mart and purchased two brand new tires.   I had them rotate the back tires (which are still in mint condition) to the front and had the brand new tires placed on the back.  I filled up the tank with gas, set out an outfit to wear which is pretty rare for me to do but, considering most of my clothes are still packed or put away, I felt best to be safe then sorry.

I am ready.  I am so ready and excited to get back in the workforce and start adding back to my savings.  I am also excited to meet new people and make new friends. It seems like for the last 3 months my life had been on hold.  I guess the sudden transition took its toll on me, but now I am excited to start a new life in a new place.  A better life for me with new perspectives and new adventures in the horizon.

So tonight as I lay my head to rest and my soul to sleep, I am grateful for my new job, new perspectives and new adventures in the horizon.  Yes, I am excited to be back in the workforce!  Thank you God!

What are you grateful for today?



  1. I am grateful for awesome sponsors like you!!!!

    Just opened up Operation Fabulous! Check it out! Feel free to tweet and facebook it! Hope to bring you lots of new friends :)

  2. New follower here from Operation Fabulous!

  3. Good luck with the new job! :)


    New follower via The Naptime Review

  4. Congratulation I wish you all the best in your new work place. How exciting! :)

  5. Congrats on your first work day! I hope everything goes super well for you!

    I agree, its so nice to get paid again! For several months (more than 2 years) I wasn't working for money. Its so depressing to be unemployed. I had a really hard time. Then within 3 weeks, I had 3 jobs! I'm now mostly active at just 2 jobs, but I am so happy to be working again and doing what I love. So congrats to you :)

  6. Congrats on getting that job! I hope it all goes well for you and that you make lots of new friends and have fun doing it. :) Fresh starts are the best, aren't they?

    Anyway, I'm your newest follower from the Followers to Friends hop, and I can't wait to read more from you!

    Stop by sometime!
    What's in a Name?


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