February 14, 2012

The History of "Tea Time"

***Image googled & personalize by SimplyyMayra***
The history of  "Tea Time"...  quiet a while ago I started drinking hot green tea by Yogi a product of Golden Temple of Oregon LLC. To my pleasant surprise there was a quote displayed on a folded tiny-itty-bitty piece of white paper attached to the end of every tea bag. I loved and looked forward to reading each and every little note thereafter. The quotes always touched the heart so I began clipping and saving every note. Soon, I had quite a collection which I plan to make a collage with. Although brief, my "Tea Time" became a comforting and loving "me-time" ritual moment.  
This past Christmas, I wanted to give my daughters a very special gift. I wanted to give them a gift that expressed how much I love them while also providing an insight to the important things in life.

So, I came up with the idea of a recorded CD consisting of an array of special songs sang by me personally (which was a challenge considering I am not a singer). It included special songs which are dear to my heart such as "In My Daughter's Eyes" and "I Hope You Dance" and even "Always on My Mind" which was the most emotional one for me to sing since it represented a very dark period of my life when hell decided to visit and tear me apart. But, I survived and am still here even stronger then ever because of it. And of course since the tea notes were so very inspiring, I shared on the CD the story of how I began the ritual of my collection of tea bag quotes as well as readings of quite a few of them under the title "Tea Time". The CD turned out to be blessing strengthening our mother-daughter bond. And most importantly they have a "keep-sake" made personally by their Mother that they can go to for support, guidance and/or motherly love & comfort when we are apart.

The "Tea Time" ritual continues, but now I send them as text messages to my daughters, sisters and niece. I am also sharing them on my blog in hopes of inspiring and being inspired! Toodles!


1 comment:

  1. Tea time is a very perfect time for me as I get to taste yummy crunch and munch as well as a chit chat with my family or friends.


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